Posts tagged Chinese Medicine
The Gentle Touch: My Techniques For Relieving Stress

Whether you are stressed about work, a personal matter, or a reason that isn't yet clear, acupuncture and the other therapies I use will help to reduce stress and anxious feelings that can build up over time. The techniques I use in my practice have been used for thousands of years, helping to alleviate a host of mental and physical conditions

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Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine

The use of essential oils continues to be gain popularity_ Many people are finding the use of essential oils and aromatherapy are beneficial to uplift their mood, increase depth of respiration and prevent symptoms of common colds_ Individuals are becoming more conscious of the importance, even necessity of using natural remedies for healing and quality of life.

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Ancient Chinese Healing for Modern Times in Flatiron NYC and Prospect Heights Brooklyn.

Our bodies are much more than a physical structure and a series of chemical reactions. Our inner emotional landscape and focused drive for the future impacts the function of every cell in our body. There is an undefinable, dynamic force underpinning the continuous actions of our bodies. Spiritual and religious traditions might name this the ‘life force’, ‘prana’ or the ‘soul’. Traditional Chinese medicine calls this active force, Qi (Chee).

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