The Gentle Touch: My Techniques For Relieving Stress

Are you stressed about work, a personal matter, or a reason that isn't yet clear? Acupuncture and the other ancient therapies Marc uses, with a history of thousands of years, will help to reduce stress and anxious feelings that can build up over time. These time-tested techniques have been used to alleviate various mental and physical conditions. Marc has e treated countless patients with anxiety and stress using my years of experience in these ancient, yet recently researched treatments. My holistic approach combines these ancient techniques with modern knowledge to create a sense of calm, relaxation, and release of tension.

The Ancient Art of Palpation

Before Marc places each needle, he locate the most effective channels. This involves gently pressing my hands over different body parts to trace twelve main pathways. Alhtough this is diagnostic, patients finds Marc's touch to be theraperutic in itself. These pathways determine the quality of blood flow and qi. Channels with compromised function often show physical tissue and texture changes is detected with gentle and targeted palpation. They may feel stiff or tight, or they may exhibit softer and weaker areas. This process allows me to identify the areas that are suffering from blocked qi and blood flow, offering information where to   gently insert the Acupuncture needles.  

Precision Treatment

Once the areas are identified where qi and blood flow are blocked, application of Acupuncture can begin. Clients often report feeling immediate relief and relaxation, with a noticeable deepening of their breath. Muscles start to feel looser, tension headaches often dissipate, and some clients even feel like they're sinking into the table. These are all signs that the body is responding positively to the treatment. Many clients have expressed their delight with the results, often noting that Marc's techniques are more gentle and effective than those they've experienced elsewhere.

If you're dealing with stress or anxiety, Marc J. Gian in Flatiron NYC, Crown Heights and Prospect Heights Brooklyn offers a natural remedy that can produce positive results quickly. When combined with tailored massage and relaxation techniques, you are sure to receive a highlty effective session

A Holistic Approach

Every patient has unique needs. For this reason, a holistic approach will be tailored to your specific requirements. By combining a selection of therapies, I can help you to experience the best possible outcome. My TCM Aromatherapy treatments combine Chinese medicine and essential oils to ease anxiety and enhance both physical and emotional health. We can also work with mental imagery techniques that present exciting opportunities for healing and personal growth with a bright future ahead. When combined with my carefully customized acupuncture treatments, these therapies can be very effective in helping you on the road to healthy mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Marc J. Gian has offices located in Flatiron NYC, Crown Heights and Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Virtual sessions are also available! Contact Marc today to start feeling better tomorrow!