Posts in Aromatherapy
The Gentle Touch: My Techniques For Relieving Stress

Whether you are stressed about work, a personal matter, or a reason that isn't yet clear, acupuncture and the other therapies I use will help to reduce stress and anxious feelings that can build up over time. The techniques I use in my practice have been used for thousands of years, helping to alleviate a host of mental and physical conditions

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Chinese Medicine and Essential Oils: Peppermint On Acupuncture Points

Peppermint is a well-known and loved scent, commonly used for it’s soothing and uplifting effects. Peppermint is excellent for those that desire to feel more awake and refreshed- and is great for those that struggle with damp conditions causing foggy-headedness and inability to focus. Peppermint is associated with the outward and spreading movements

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Blending Essential Oils on Acupuncture Points to Strengthen our Lungs - A Couple of Tips

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, help keep our Immune Systems Strong, but adding essential oils like Pine, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Lemon will prove to be invaluable.

Here are some tips for the acupuncturist and client!

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Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine

The use of essential oils continues to be gain popularity_ Many people are finding the use of essential oils and aromatherapy are beneficial to uplift their mood, increase depth of respiration and prevent symptoms of common colds_ Individuals are becoming more conscious of the importance, even necessity of using natural remedies for healing and quality of life.

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