Events and Classes
Mind - Body Integration
Tools for success in everyday life
Month 1: Principles of Mind - Body Medicine
Month 2: Correctly Applied Mental imagery
Month 3: Night Dreams as your Inner Guide
Month 4: Human Morphology
We will meet 2 nights each month for 2 hours, all sessions will be recorded for those that can not attend live.
Included is 2 private sessions with Marc Gian, each month.
Dates: March 14th, March 28th, April 4th, April 18th, May 2nd May 16th.
Aromatherapy with Acupuncture Points!
Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils as healing agents, has a long history in many cultures. When properly applied to specific acupuncture points on the body, their benefits are enhanced. This class will provide an overview of the basics of aromatherapy and its uses on different acupoints. We’ll work with oils derived from leaves, needles, flowers, and peels, including bergamot, rosemary, lavender, pine, patchouli, neroli, geranium, eucalyptus, vetiver, ylang ylang and many others. We also will explore the functions and spirit of various acupoints and essential oils and the correlations between them.
We will learn the art of blending oils, and how to diffuse and use them safely and effectively to address conditions such as: colds, anxiety, insomnia, menstrual cramps, constipation and common aches and pains. We’ll also learn how to make compresses and essential oil sprays, how to use oils in massage, and much more. Join us and experience the many ways that essential oils can affect the physical, emotional and mental levels of our being and support healing.
Date And Time
(3 sessions) Tuesdays, November 5, 12 and 19, 2024, 6 PM ET - 7:30 PM ET
Location Online
Aromatherapy for our Metal Element
Aromatherapy is quickly becoming one of the most popular adjunct modalities used by acupuncturists and massage therapists. This can be attributed to its direct relationship with antimicrobial properties, effects on the Shen, and acupuncture points.
Essential oils mirror the effects of acupuncture or manual stimulation of the meridian. For this reason, essential oils provide a supportive and accurate enhancement to an acupuncture or massage session.
In this 90-minute meetup, we will discuss the functions and practical applications of single essential oils and certain Meridian Biologix blends that support our Wei Qi/Metal Element.
Essential Oils to be discussed:
Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus Globulus
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
MARC J GIAN, L. Ac, is a distinguished healing arts practitioner with over 20 years of experience. The backbone of Marc's practice is incorporating Mind-Body Integration techniques from an ancient Middle Eastern lineage. Accordingly, he has spent years studying with teachers, most notably Dr. Peter Reznik, honing his skills. Marc's passion is teaching classes and patients how to successfully utilize the tools of Mental Imagery and Dream Work Marc is the author of 2 books Holistic Aromatherapy: Practical Healing with Essential Oils and The Inner World of Night Dreams. Marc is also the developer of Meridian Biologix essential oils. Marc has a private practice in Manhattan and Brooklyn and has worked with people via video sessions.
THIS IS A VIRTUAL EVENT: Each meetup includes a 60-minute lecture, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. The event has a $20 admission fee, but attendees will receive a $20 coupon for Kamwo's professional online store, effectively making the event free to attend!
Space is limited, so RSVP today!
Intro to Mind - Body Integration For the Practitioner
A More Meaningful Prescription for Healing
Acupuncturists and our clients are accustomed to looking outside of ourselves for healing with the use of acupuncture, herbs, and essential oils. All are highly beneficial and often needed, yet being acquainted with using the mind for health and well-being will prove extraordinary for you and your patients. Mind-Body Integration is a millennial tradition that engages and supports the individual in uncovering meaning in all facets of life and seeing the external world as a reflection of the inner world. As we change the inner world, the outer will inevitably change.
In this brief introduction, you will start using your mind as a healing tool.
You will learn:
Pillars of Mind-Body Integration
As above so below
Functions precede form (invisible creates the visible)
Law of reciprocity (change the inner to change the outer)
Mental Imagery as the Primary Language
What is mental imagery and what it is not
Images are both qualities and embodiments of our inner self
(beliefs, experience, experiences, emotions)
Intro to Working with Night Dreams
3 Questions to ask to get the overview of the dream
March 31st 6:30-8pm
Online event
Past Events
Chinese Medicine for Men’s Health & Wellness- Libido & Beyond! - with Marc Gian
Many may already associate the idea of Chinese medicine and similar traditional practices as having a benefit to increase libido or men’s sexual performance. While there is certainly a large canon of work covering this topic, men’s whole health depends on this and much more.
Libido is not only tied to sexual desire or drive, but also with accomplishments, wisdom, reason, and direction. Being a healthy male also means having an awareness of your weaknesses as well as strengths and the ability to make clear decisions.
In this class, we will examine what factors encompass healthy masculinity, and how Chinese medicine can support their cultivation. From a presence of confidence and self-awareness to the development of assertiveness and getting in touch with your true voice and taking action. Clinical practices to build and harness Yuan source and Yang Qi, as the building blocks for sexual health. We will also delve into behavior patterns that elevate or thwart men’s health and development.
In this class, you will learn:
Healthy male energy- supports and pitfalls
Identifying self-sabotage
Needs of the male patient
What is libido? Harnessing libido for self-development
Herbs for Men’s health
Essential oils key for Men’s health
Breathwork exercises for increasing sex drive
Breathwork exercises for increasing assertiveness
Men’s health and aging
May 7th @ Kamwo Herbs NYC
The Relationship Between Aromatherapy, Asana and Pranayama
Both Aromatherapy and Yoga are powerful methods for transformation. These methods of healing work directly on the mind (spirit/personality), energy field and chakras, and are some of the most effective tools that assist is shifting the frequency of thoughts and emotions. They both can serve the function to align the spirit/personality with the soul.
In this workshop, students will learn how Essential Oils and Aromatherapy can deepen one’s yoga practice and/or teaching of yoga, by exploring the symbiotic relationship between these two modalities.
When: Sunday March 8th, 2020 1:30-3:30pm
Where: Bode Flatiron, NYC
Cost: $30 early birds, $40 the day of
Essential Oils for the L. Ac, Class 1 - Peels, Leaves and Needles
During this program you will learn, and experience the value of essential oils in the practice of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture practice.
Where: New York College of Health Professionals
When: Sunday December 8th, 2019
The Relationship Between Aromatherapy, Asana and Pranayama
Both Aromatherapy and Yoga are powerful methods for transformation. These methods of healing work directly on the mind (spirit/personality), energy field and chakras, and are some of the most effective tools that assist is shifting the frequency of thoughts and emotions. They both can serve the function to align the spirit/personality with the soul.
In this workshop, students will learn how Essential Oils and Aromatherapy can deepen one’s yoga practice and/or teaching of yoga, by exploring the symbiotic relationship between these two modalities.
Where: Bode NYC Flatiron
When: December 15th, 2019
Introduction to Essential Oils
Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils as healing agents, has a long history in many cultures. These oils can have very beneficial effects on the physical, mental, and emotional components of illness. In this class, we will focus on oils derived from leaves, flowers, resins, woods, and roots.
Where: NY Open Center
When: Three Thursdays, January 9, 16. 23, 2020