Ancient Chinese Healing for Modern Times in Flatiron NYC and Prospect Heights Brooklyn.


Regulate Your QI with Traditional Chinese Medicine In NYC

Our bodies are much more than a physical structure and a series of chemical reactions. Our inner emotional landscape and focused drive for the future impacts the function of every cell in our body. There is an undefinable, dynamic force underpinning the continuous actions of our bodies. Spiritual and religious traditions might name this the ‘life force’, ‘prana’ or the ‘soul’. Traditional Chinese medicine calls this active force, Qi (Chee).

While this a very simple explanation of the concept of Qi, it is seen as a complex and ever-changing, fluid mechanism that creates the foundation for all our bodily functions. In a more Western context, this is supporting the natural self-healing mechanism of the body. There is some overlap with the concept of the self-regulation of the Qi dynamic of the body and the Western understanding of the function of the immune and endocrine systems.

The therapeutic practices of Chinese medicine are all focused on the cultivation and regulation of Qi to regain health. While it sounds simple, this gentle balancing approach to healing can be applied to a wide variety of concerns, from minor injuries to chronic internal disease, and mental-emotional problems.

Acupuncture, the use of fine needles to stimulate specific locations on the body to promote health, is a popular approach to accomplishing this internal balance. Plant medicines, including supplements and distillations such as essential oils, are also a part of this healing tradition. The use of essential oils from medicinal plants gives a calming and non-invasive approach to stimulating the Qi of the body to heal and to provoke a relaxation response. Traditional Chinese medicine also utilizes invigorating massage techniques to accomplish this same goal. Improving the function and energy of the physical body, and soothing emotional pain is always the objective of a mind-body healing approach, no matter what the therapy used.

Marc Gian has over fifteen years of experience in the field of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. He helps his patients overcome pain, stress, and anxiety from their everyday lives while teaching tools to empower them to live their ideal life.