The Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is an exciting time but as any woman who been through the experience can testify, it is not without its trials. Many women experience frequent heartburn, morning sickness, swelling in the legs, constipation, sciatica, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more on their way to one of life's most joyous events.

How Acupuncture Can Help During Pregnancy

While medical science offers many ways to ease these symptoms most involve the use of drugs that more and more people would prefer to avoid. Thankfully there is a better way. Through the manipulation of your body's own energy pathways, the ancient art of acupuncture can be used to greatly reduce the discomforts associated with being pregnant without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Sciatica and lower back pain

According to research at the Institute for the Health of Women and Children in Sweden, acupuncture was found to greatly reduce or eliminate lower back and pelvic pain during the second and third trimesters with no ill effects.

Nausea and Vomiting

Researchers at Adelaide University in Australia found that women who received traditional acupuncture suffered much less from morning sickness.


A Stanford University study involving over 150 pregnant women diagnosed as having major depressive disorders found that acupuncture greatly reduced their symptoms.


A recently published report in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine stated that acupuncture was highly effective at eliminating the tension-type headaches that hormonal shifts during pregnancy often trigger.


A short time ago, Acupuncture in Medicine published a report on how efficient acupuncture was in the treatment of insomnia.

Restless Leg (Ekbom) Syndrome

According to work published by Gholam R. Raissi, Bijan Forogh et al. acupuncture demonstrated a marked therapeutic effect for RLS up to 8 weeks, the extent of the study, after the initial treatments were received.

Inducing Labor Contractions

A small study at the University of North Carolina delivered some rather startling results. 70% of the women who received acupuncture went into without further assistance compared to 50% of those who didn't. More importantly, there was a 50% reduction in the number of pregnancies that required cesarean deliveries; 39% without versus 17% with acupuncture treatments.

These are just a few of the proven ways that acupuncture has been found to reduce the negatives in one of the most positive experiences life has to offer. For more in-depth explanations of all the benefits, it can bring an expert acupuncture services in New York City, contact Marc J. Gian owner of The Cure in the heart of NYC's Flatiron District and Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Marc Gian