Mind Body Therapy - Understanding The Powerful Connection


Mind Body Therapy is a millennium-old healing tradition originating in the Mediterranean. Our thoughts directly impact the body; Mind-Body therapy is a unique approach to healing that promotes a positive mindset for a healthy body and emotional state. A pillar of mind-body integration is acknowledging that the invisible (function) creates the visible (form). In a modern context, Western culture may categorize physical body conditions as different or separate from mental-emotional or even spiritual concerns. However, centuries-old traditional healing approaches are now supported by modern research results showing the clear link between the Mind and the physical body.

We belong to the time when the dynamic self-healing mechanism of the body is better understood and cataloged, and we can all learn to utilize the Mind to affect physical functioning and promote health.The mind-body therapy not only highlights the significant role of our Mind in the path to healing but also empowers us to focus our intention to begin living life to its highest potential. This process helps us understand the impact our internal beliefs have on our physical health, and how physical symptoms can be a sign to address unresolved mental-emotional issues. We all have different experiences inside our bodies, fueled by our life history, family, and cultural entrainment.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing? Mind-body therapy offers a unique opportunity to understand the powerful connection between your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Make an appointment to experience mind-body treatment in Flatiron, NYC, Crown Heights, and Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, to a new world of holistic healing!