Are you Looking to Enhance Your Libido?

Perhaps it is not surprising that many modern Americans live in a world that may decrease their sex drive. After all, many of us live and work in physically and emotionally draining environments, that taxes the natural energy flow of our body. Many New Yorkers are turning their attention towards the use of acupuncture in NYC to help them regain their vitality while boosting libido. When speaking of libido or healthy sexual drive, we are speaking of sexual desire, charisma, healthy ego drive, and confidence.

Acupuncture with Aromatherapy

Acupuncture offers a path forward towards a healthier libido. Acupuncture, a practice of traditional Chinese medicine, has long been used to alleviate pain, increase immunity, and reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, many have experienced enhance sex drive and performance with Acupuncture in NYC. If you are looking for a qualified acupuncturist in the Flatiron area in NYC, I am here to answer your questions. Over the years, I have assisted many in regaining their vitality.

Acupuncture, along with aromatherapy and breathing techniques, works very quickly for boosting the libido. For women, essential oils such as Ylang Ylang and Jasmine are applied, while for males, oils such as Pine, Cinnamon, and Sandalwood are used. Essential oils work great via inhalation, and when administered by a qualified acupuncturist, they will be placed on specific acupuncture or acupressure points that increase sexual energy. Most often, I will use a blend from Meridian Bioligix called Ascendant Yang, and for women, I will use the blend Opening Yin.

For those seeking information about acupuncture, Flatiron District, NYC residents visit the office of Marc J. Gian to discuss his methods of healing, including acupuncture, which has long helped in relieving pain and is currently an accepted approach to numerous ailments. If you are looking for an acupuncturist in NYC or Crown Heights Brooklyn, you owe it to yourself and your body to make an appointment to see how treatments will help many aspects of your life, including enhanced sexual desire.

If you are thinking of using medications and are curious about more natural ways, contact me for a short call to discuss how we can work together. There may be many reasons why the sex drive is low, and I will answer your questions. Feel free to call me and set up a complimentary phone consultation.