Spleen Qi Essential Oils

Rosemary, Ginger and Lemongrass for Spleen QI

Spleen Qi in Chinese medicine is connected to digestive function as a whole and is a primary contributor to the circulatory system, as it is a primary factor in the production of blood. When our Spleen qi is strong, our digestive system works optimally, allowing for smooth digestion and absorption. 

When it comes to managing Spleen qi vacuity and its associated symptoms like mental and body fatigue, essential oils can be quite beneficial. For instance, Rosemary essential oil is known for its invigorating properties. Spleen qi def can be a result of poor diet, lack of personal boundaries, and excess stress and lack of rest. All of these can lead to a qi deficiency not only in the spleen but in other organs as well. 

Understanding these more profound aspects of Spleen Qi empowers you to manage symptoms such as loose stools, fatigue, and lax muscles. By addressing your body's physical and mental demands, you can take control of your health journey, working towards restoring balance and improving your overall health.

The great news is that Essential Oils are a superb modality that is used by acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners. Essential oils used in TCM aromatherapy for our spleen qi include Rosemary, Lemongrass, and Ginger. What is amazing that TCM aromatherapy has to offer is that they just do not treat one symtoms, they treat multiple symptoms and the root of the Qi Vacuity.

As mentioend earlier, one with a spleen qi imbalance often have concurrent symptoms such as mental fatigue, loose stools, weak muslces and the feeling of cold. What allow of the above plant extracts have in common is that hey are all warming, revive the spleen qi and can alleviate mental fatigue. Recent research into Rosemary has found that it enhances long-term memory and increased mental alertness. Ginger is one of the most commonly used herbs and oils to benefit digestion while alleviating any pain that is worse with a cold. Recent studies have shown that it is beneficial for the relief of arthritis; it is Marc's essential oil to go to with lemongrass for knee pain!

Contact Marc J. Gian, an Acupuncturist and Aromatherapist with over 25 years of experience, if you are ready to revive your Spleen QI with Essential Oils in NYC or Crown Heights, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn