Tui Na - A Premier Therapy used in Chinese Medicine Practices

Tui Na is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) type that manually manipulates and relaxes tissue between the joints. Like many other forms of TCM, it alleviates any blockages or stagnations that might be happening in the body. It returns the body's natural energy flow back to balance. The underlying principle behind Tui Na and TCM is that our bodies have Qi (energy) flowing through our bodies' eight meridians, or systems, at all times. When it becomes blocked, we are susceptible to disease and illness. Marc has been practicing Tui Na for over 25 years, and patients continually state how much more energy and mobility they have after a session.

Tui Na has roots dating back over 2,000 years to ancient China. It's unknown who pioneered the practice, but it gradually became more popular as it spread throughout Asia and eventually the rest of the world. Today, Tui Na is used in many Chinese hospitals as a standard form of treatment and rehabilitation. It is often used with acupuncture in the United States to enhance benefits.

Tui Na can be used in conjunction with many other types of TCM and practices, including moxibustion, fire cupping, herbalism, qigong, and more. Applying Chinese Medicine essential oils on Acupuncture/Acupressure points used will also increase therapeutic effects. Marc will first identify the patient's problem, at which point he will decide the most effective treatment protocol. This may include a single session of Tui Na or a combination of Tui Na and other forms of TCM.

Tui Na is frequently used for treating chronic pain, stress-related disorders, and musculoskeletal problems. However, because Tui Na can restore Qi flow, it may benefit other systems for the patient being treated. Tuina has relaxing techniques, yet it also has stimulating approaches.

One of the advantages of Tui Na over simple massage is the ability to focus on specific problems. It is very effective on joint pain, as well as muscle spasms. But Tui Na works on more than just the bones, muscles, and joints. It works with the energy of the body at a much deeper level. It helps prevent problems before they arise.  Keeping the energy or Qi in balance maintains overall health in the long term.  Mental and emotional health can also be maintained more effectively when physical health is cared for.


Tui Na is used to treat and prevent a wide variety of adverse conditions, some of which include the following:

  • Muscle knots

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic pain

  • Ankle disorders

  • Sciatica

  • Muscle spasms

  • Stress

  • Insomnia

  • Constipation

  • Headaches

  • Digestive disorders

  • Respiratory problems

There are things to consider when contemplating receiving a tuina massage, and a good Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner should be able to inform you if you are not an ideal candidate for Tui Na. Specific contraindications include fractures, infections, open wounds, lesions, and phlebitis or deep vein thrombosis. In the presence of these conditions, tuina should not be utilized.

While the exact process may vary depending on the patient and condition being treated, A typical Tui Na session lasts 30 to 60 minutes. During this time, the practitioner will perform techniques (brush, roll, press, rub, etc.) to the areas needed to properly flow qi - correcting Qi blockages while simultaneously stimulating the body's defensive mechanism (Wei Qi).

Tui na is a powerful technique in Marc's healing toolbox of traditional Chinese medicine, and many people have and will benefit from it in Flatiron, NYC, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Marc utilizes Massage and Tui Na in conjunction with Acupuncture.

Marc Gian