Navigating Bi-Syndrome: Questions Your Acupuncturist May Ask

Physical Pain is one of the most common issues patients seek care for. As a practitioner of Holistic Medicine, it is essential to obtain the correct differential diagnosis to ensure the proper treatment with Acupuncture, Herbs, Essential Oils, and Massage/Tui Na Therapy.

Question to determine what kind of Pain Syndrome in Chinese Medicine

Understanding the type of bi-syndrome (pain syndrome) you may have is essential to acupuncture treatment. As an acupuncturist, Marc Gian will diagnose your condition to devise the most effective treatment strategy. To this end, he asks a series of questions to determine the type of bi-syndrome affecting you. These questions will provide a comprehensive view of your health and symptoms, contributing to a highly personalized holistic treatment.

Essential questions Marc will ask to decipher your type of bi-syndrome (pain syndrome):

  1. What specific areas of your body are affected by Pain? The location of the Pain can help identify the meridians or energy channels involved, which can help pinpoint the acupuncture points and massage techniques to be used during treatment.

  2. Can you describe the nature of your Pain? Is the Pain dull, sharp, constant, intermittent, moving, or fixed in one spot? The quality of Pain can offer insights into the type of bi-syndrome, such as whether it's associated more with wind (moving pain) or dampness (heavy, fixed pain).

  3. Do weather changes affect your Pain? In bi-syndrome, the Pain often varies with weather conditions. For instance, Pain that worsens with cold weather might indicate a cold bi-syndrome, while damp weather may be associated with a damp bi-syndrome.

  4. Do you have any other symptoms associated with the Pain? Symptoms like numbness, tingling, heaviness, or swelling can provide further clues to the nature of the bi-syndrome.

  5. What makes your Pain better or worse? Does rest alleviate the Pain? Does it get worse with activity? Is it better with heat or cold? Understanding what exacerbates or eases your Pain helps create a tailored treatment approach.

  6. Do you have any accompanying symptoms, such as fatigue, stress, or poor digestion? These could be signs of an underlying imbalance in the body that is contributing to your bi-syndrome.

  7. What is your overall energy level? In TCM, fatigue or low energy can signal a deficiency in Qi or blood, possibly related to your pain symptoms.

  8. What is your lifestyle like? What are your diet, exercise, and sleep habits? These factors can affect the balance of Qi and blood in your body, influencing your bi-syndrome symptoms.

Remember, these questions are meant to help us better understand your individual health condition and the specific bi-syndrome affecting you. By answering these questions honestly and thoroughly, you help us create a customized treatment plan for your pain management. Your journey to health and wellness is a partnership, and we value your active participation in this process.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Formulas and Essential Oils

Various Herbal Formulas and Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine Topicals can be used to address specific pain symptoms. One of the most effective aromatherapeutic blends is from Merdian Biologix, a brand of essential oils called Quiet Channel. Quiet Channel Essential Oils Blend can be massages in the muscles and applied on acupuncture points! It consists of a balanced blend of essential oils to alleviate pain due to cold and worse in cold, damp weather. A fundamental oil in this blend is Lemongrass. Lemongrass is a warming and moving oil known as the "tendino-muscular oil" and will warm the area to alleviate pain.

Ready for Pain Relief?

Contact Marc J. Gian in Flatiron NYC and Crown Heights and Prospect Heights Brooklyn and start to feel your best!

Marc Gian