Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Essential Oils to Relieve Anxiety

Are you ready for more Quiet Moments?

We live in times where modern-day pressures have programmed many of us to live in a state of nervous anticipation, where, regardless of circumstances, we are uncomfortable, uneasy, or persistently worried. Hearts race, palms sweat, and breathing become heavy. Most of us can relate to these feelings. Still, when symptoms like these continue beyond short periods and begin to disrupt our daily lives, this can be classified as an anxiety disorder. Traditional Chinese medicine can relax the heart, lighten the breath, and instill a sense of calmness.

Chinese Herbal Medicine, Perhaps?

Western medicine offers relief in the form of psychotherapy and medication. Benzodiazepines are the class of drug typically used to treat anxiety and act similarly to the heavy mineral substances that are used in Chinese herbal medicine to calm the spirit. These drugs have their place in treatment but need to be used cautiously as they can cause side effects and dependence. While Chinese herbal medicine tends to have fewer side effects and cause less dependence, anything we put into our bodies for treatment must be carefully weighed in the delicate balance of our continuously changing health needs.

Other Western approaches include behavioral therapy and counseling, and this is an essential tool for so many going through the challenge of an anxiety disorder. The benefits of psychotherapy in combination with appropriately prescribed medications (pharmaceutical or herbal) can be enhanced by the regulatory effects of acupuncture on emotions and stress response.

Aim Of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine aim to soothe the overactivity of emotions, generally regulated by the Pre-Frontal Cortex according to Western medicine or the Shen (conscious energy of the heart-mind) according to Eastern medicine. Neuro-pathways in the emotional centers of the brain are over-activated in anxiety. Acupuncture temporarily inhibits these pathways to calm an emotional response- aligning with the Chinese Medicine theory of the shen's regulatory effect on the body and its ability to balance emotional energies.

While anxiety can be observed in the brain, we can measure simultaneous changes in the body in terms of blood hormone levels. Cortisol - the stress hormone, increases when we are in a state of anxiety blood at increased levels when we are in a state of anxiety. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are recognized for mitigating the stress response, signaling the body to pull cortisol back out of the blood and return blood cortisol to normal levels. Additionally, the application of Essential Oils on acupuncture points and TCM Aromatherapy instills a sense of calm and relaxation. Marc often uses the Meridian Biologix blend Quiet Moment in session and advises patients to apply it to themself between appointments in his Flatiron NYC location and Crown - Prospect Heights Brooklyn office.

In looking at a compilation of research studies on acupuncture for anxiety, not only was it found that acupuncture is an effective tool for anxiety treatment, but that it works fast! This points to the complementary role acupuncture can play in treatment as a way to get immediate benefits. At the same time, other approaches build on their effectiveness.

Ready to Relax?

Many new patients will be nervous, especially if it's their first time with a holistic practitioner. Marc J. Gian is known for his gentle techniques and calming presence. For the first-time patient, Marc usually applies the essential oil of Palmarosa on the acupoint Yin-Tang, which is the space between the brows and the third eye. Patients are pleasantly surprised at how relaxing this aroma is and soon realize they have found the relief they have been searching for.

We all will experience a certain amount of anxiety throughout our days. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and Essential Oils will create a sense of relaxation and deepen the breath and a sense of peace.

If you are someone you know is looking to feel more relaxed and energized, contact Marc J. Gian in the Union Square/Flatiron area of NYC and Prospect Heights & Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Marc Gian