Traditional Chinese Medicine & Essential Oils for Mind And Body

Aromatherapy the use of essential oils to support healing of physical illness and promote emotional regulation.

Essential oils potent extract from medicinal plants. These botanical oil extracts can be inhaled or diluted to be applied to the skin on various pressure points used in Chinese medicine and Acupuncture. Essential oils can touch us very deeply, acting on the limbic system of the brain an area responsible for emotions and impulse control.

Research shows certain essential oils used in aromatherapy help relax the body, relieve mental stress, and promote good sleep. Essential oils have been used as a mild sedative to reduce anxiety and calm mental stress by promoting a state of relaxation. Inhaling the fragrance of the essentials oils is one of the best ways to calm stress and uplift the mood. Hence, major factors in the upsurge by TCM practitioners utilizing the benefits of Chinese Medicine with Essential Oils.

Most essential oils have antibacterial, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties and some are beneficial for skin conditions, enhancing the immune system, alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms, and even are used as cleaning agents for your home.

Below are six important essential oils that are used in Chinenese Medicine

  • Frankincense: Relaxes the diaphragm, encourages deep breathing, mends wounds for healing - physical and emotional

  • Roman Chamomile: - Calming, beneficial for PMS, relaxes solar plexus, nourished the blood

  • Eucalyptus radiata: - activates the immune system, decongestant,

  • Lemon: lifts the mood, sharpens the mind, improves alertness

  • Lavender: balances the nervous system, can aid in insomnia, heals burns and can benefit mood swings.

  • Rosemary: increases energy, pain relief, improves memory

Looking to learn more about Chinese Medicine and Essential Oils, check out the Foundational series for NCCAOM continuing education - 12 PDA’s

Chinese Medicine and Essential Oils